Exhibition Design for the Felix-Nussbaum-Haus

Catalog materials in various formats with purple and pink spray paint look elements


Museumsquartier Osnabrück

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Felix Nussbaum Haus and the anniversary year of "Peace of Westphalia", the special exhibition #nichtmuedewerden - Felix Nussbaum and artistic resistance today is dedicated to current challenges facing our society. In the exhibition, Nussbaum's historical works enter into a dialog with internationally renowned contemporary artists in order to express their position: For a peaceful, tolerant and compassionate society.

Editorial Design
Exhibition Design


We were asked to create a uniform and design framework for works of art by Ai Weiwei, Francis Alÿs, Candice Breitz and many other contemporary artists in the building designed by architect Daniel Libeskind. The motto was: loud but still careful!

Exhibition space with doorway, the title of the exhibition
Pages for the exhibition catalog in newspaper format
Wall mounts with catalog pages for various exhibits

Exhibition Design

The key visual developed for this exhibition "I am resisting and will not tire" picks up on the theme of resistance stylistically. The spray optics and the choice of colors are placed as a stylistic element in the entire exhibition.

In close cooperation with the Museumsquartier Osnabrück, we developed a wide range of materials - from exhibition graphics and a guidance system for the "museum without an exit" to various modules in the space - and supervised the entire production process.

Signage system in pink spray paint look
Folding flyer with room plan and explained spatial concept of the exhibition
Glossary as an insert for the catalog, white text set on a color gradient from purple to pink
Banner hanging from the ceiling with black text

Design of the catalog

During their tour, visitors collect exhibition articles in various paper formats and qualities in a folder to create their own individual catalog. While the design of the print products is progressive, loud and rebellious and is based on the exhibition's central motif, the furniture and the flexible holders for the articles and essays blend harmoniously into the architecture thanks to their raw and unfinished look.

Tear-off catalog pages on wall holders
Folder and folder contents form the exhibition catalog, with pink and purple spray paint elements
Wall full of sticky notes with visitors' answers to the question
Wall and stand holders for tearing off and collecting the individual catalog pages

Image Rights

View of the Great Hall with guidance system 2_Photo Kerstin Hehmann
Insight into the exhibition #nichtmuedewerden - Felix Nussbaum and artistic resistance today (10.9.2023 - 7.1.2024) in the Museumsquartier Osnabrück with guidance system and the work Bosnian Girl by Šejla Kamerić
©Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Photo: Kerstin HehmannForum

5_Photo Kerstin Hehmann
Insight into the exhibition #nichtmuedewerden - Felix Nussbaum and artistic resistance today (10.9.2023 - 7.1. 2024) in the Museumsquartier Osnabrück
©Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Photo: Kerstin Hehmann

Guidance system EXIT_Photo Kerstin Hehmann
Guidance system of the exhibition #nichtmuedewerden - Felix Nussbaum and artistic resistance today (10.9.2023 - 7.1.2024) in the Museumsquartier Osnabrück
©Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Photo: Kerstin Hehmann

Texts Bartana Room_Photo Kerstin Hehmann
Texts in the exhibition #nichtmuedewerden - Felix Nussbaum and artistic resistance today (10.9.2023 - 7.1.2024) in the Museumsquartier Osnabrück
©Museumsquartier Osnabrück, Photo: Kerstin Hehmann