With our holistic design approach, we build a bridge between our clients and young people as the target group of educational campaigns in five steps.
(1) Participation is our starting point. Through workshops with clients, target groups and dialogue groups, we design campaigns that think outside the box.
(2) Practically in the thick of it instead of theoretically in an ivory tower. There is no standardised approach for us. We always cater to individual project needs and prefer on-site appointments - and not just with us, but also outside with our allies from Ein Ding der Möglichkeit in Wendland.
(3) We are the psychoanalysts of youth. From analyses, tests and feedback rounds to digital and analogue listening and examining (socio)culture and trends: we get to the root of the problem with basic research.
(4) We love synergies and synergies love us. By exchanging ideas with partners from other projects with similar target groups, we are constantly learning and developing unimagined potential.
(5) Listening is our most important form of communication. Whether job seekers, employers or educational institutions. Everyone can make themselves comfortable on our couch, because we want to understand them instead of blindly implementing a run-of-the-mill design!