Education for Everyone and Everyone for Education

2024 | 5 min reading time

Our recipe for successful young campaigns

Education concerns us all! Sounds logical? As far as we're concerned, it's not just logical, it's self-evident and part of our vision. When it comes to the future of education, nobody can stop us. We want to share this passion with you and give you an insight into our recipe for success for educational projects.

We go where the young people go!

A look into the future of GenZ & Alpha. ©AI generated

With our holistic design approach, we build a bridge between our clients and young people as the target group of educational campaigns in five steps.

(1) Participation is our starting point. Through workshops with clients, target groups and dialogue groups, we design campaigns that think outside the box.

(2) Practically in the thick of it instead of theoretically in an ivory tower. There is no standardised approach for us. We always cater to individual project needs and prefer on-site appointments - and not just with us, but also outside with our allies from Ein Ding der Möglichkeit in Wendland.

(3) We are the psychoanalysts of youth. From analyses, tests and feedback rounds to digital and analogue listening and examining (socio)culture and trends: we get to the root of the problem with basic research.

(4) We love synergies and synergies love us. By exchanging ideas with partners from other projects with similar target groups, we are constantly learning and developing unimagined potential.

(5) Listening is our most important form of communication. Whether job seekers, employers or educational institutions. Everyone can make themselves comfortable on our couch, because we want to understand them instead of blindly implementing a run-of-the-mill design!

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The first steps: this is what it looks like in practice.

In concrete terms, this means that when we are asked to develop a recruitment campaign for the Neukölln district office, we talk to our client from the Kreuzberg project Naunynritze and our client from the Neukölln career assistance network. We gain new perspectives on the needs of the district office, but above all we seek contact with our target group, the young jobseekers. We understand first-hand what drives them, but also how previous offers are received and where there are problems.

We design a campaign that doesn't just look cool, but really speaks the language of the target group and helps to solve the problems of educational organisations. From animation and websites to digital and analogue design measures - our communication builds bridges. Our Design for Tomorrow is an important building block on the way to changing education in Kreuzberg, Berlin - and yes, all of Germany - for the better.

Versatile expertise, a heart in the right place and a view to the future

Improving education together! ©AI generated

As education experts, we are now often asked for advice before we even start a project. In our view, this is the ideal scenario. The sooner we can help shape a project, the more room for manoeuvre there is to ensure its success.

We are serious. You too?

We love workshops. ©Zentralnorden, Patrick Nietzsche

Do you want to challenge your educational project with us or simply get off to a flying start with a new message? Let's start a revolution - for the youth of today and a better society of tomorrow!

Book a first date with us: whether it's a new website, a creative workshop or a complete campaign. When it comes to young people, our hearts immediately beat faster!

Take a look at our latest educational projects in the portfolio!

Tags: Bock auf Morgen, Kampagnen, Bildungsarbeit, Jugendliche Zielgruppen, Bock auf Bildung, Bildung, Fachkräftemangel, Recruiting

Leonie Holkenbrink


As an experienced communications strategist on both the agency and NGO side, Leonie has already mastered many communicative challenges. No matter what it's about, she has to get to the heart of the matter. Leonie loves organising creative workshops and is perhaps the only person who loves meeting marathons. In addition to her work at ZENTRALNORDEN, she works as a mediator where she promotes a positive culture of conflict.