Opposites attract, they say. In politics and business, the situation is usually rather different. You are hastily categorized as the good or bad guy. Labels are easily assigned these days. As a creative agency, we work within these areas of tension on a daily basis. Depending on the client, project and target group, we operate within certain existing structures, but also offer many new perspectives thanks to the diversity of our assignments and insights. Outside of hierarchies and beyond the horizon, we discover surprising possibilities and connections. We encourage our clients to think outside the box and see ourselves as free spirits and accelerators/catalysts. That's why people reach out to us. And when we feel as much love as we do for the following two guests, we are even happy to do it without being asked to. Simply because we see something positive in it and love bringing good people together.
Our two interviewees are from Berlin, both like yoga, are successful women and yet are as different as night and day: Doreen Huber and Ria Rehberg. Doreen, investor and Denise's childhood friend, recently sold her successful catering start-up Lemoncat and is the youngest woman on the supervisory board of Domino's Pizza, a massive meat consumer. Ria fights for a better world out of firm conviction. She is the CEO of the donation-funded NGO Veganuary, which aims to convince meat eaters to go vegan in January.
Denise explained to them why the two are a good match despite their initial prejudices. She sat the dissimilar leaders down at the same table, brought the vegan together with the board member of a fast food empire. Can this work? Definitely yes. The result is a cooperation that benefits both sides.
As guests on ZENTRALNORDEN, "the superinvestor”, “the eco-activist” and “the creative” engage in a loving exchange of blows about effective altruism, leadership roles and the supposed contradiction between earning money and doing good. In the process, they come to the conclusion: It's not all black or white. We can get further together than against each other. And it's fun too.