Strengthening democracy together:!

2024 | 3 min reading time

We demonstrate: Unity!

In the autumn of the 2024 elections, Germany is more than ever characterized by polarization and stifling debates - we have to get to the bottom of this! We want to counteract division with the DEMO-MAT. We want to make unity and a love of democracy visible.

Democracy unites

We no longer want to divide, we want to unite. With inspiring messages that remind us that we are all in the same boat and pursuing common goals that are bigger than any of us individually. That's why we at Zentralnorden und Zentralsüden have developed the DEMO-MAT. Shuffle here:

Democracy? We can do it!

On, users can use the shuffle function to create inspiring political messages and broadcast them to the world as social media posts or posters. Because “just” voting is no longer enough. We need to unite and stand up for democracy together.

Support us with this!

Anyone can become part of this movement and overcome the rifts of division. To reach as many people as possible, we need strong cooperation partners. If you are reading this, please share our project on all your channels. From newsletters and articles to Instagram posts. Every contribution counts.

Background is the latest project close to the hearts of Zentralnorden and Zentralsüden. It all began with the Protest-O-Mat for climate action posters. But with the election season approaching and the growing influence of right-wing forces, we are now standing up for another valuable asset: Our democracy. Are you with us?

Try out the DEMO-MAT for yourself here:
Tags: UX UI, Development, Strategy, ZN Original, Election

Leonie Holkenbrink


As an experienced communications strategist on both the agency and NGO side, Leonie has already mastered many communicative challenges. No matter what it's about, she has to get to the heart of the matter. Leonie loves organising creative workshops and is perhaps the only person who loves meeting marathons. In addition to her work at ZENTRALNORDEN, she works as a mediator where she promotes a positive culture of conflict.