Sea-Watch Campagne Video: 2D Animation

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Sea-Watch e.V.

We support Sea-Watch with a campaign video regarding the vote on the European military program IRINI. Our key task was to simplify the subject matter in such a way that the issues and demands are easily understood. Using a concept of two contrasting colors that we associate with Sea-Watch, we developed a striking and simple design language that highlights the most important aspects and engages the viewer.

Educational Films
2D & 3D Animations
Text & Content Creation

Illustrated hand, with thumbs up and surrounded by the stars of Europe, three of which are only visible as outlines
Section of an illustrated map of Europe with a marked area in the Mediterranean labeled “Irini”, directly above Libya”

Concept & Design

The main focus was on simplifying complex content so that it could be understood very quickly. Within a social media framework with the corresponding attention spans of the users. A clear story is the basis for a successful animation. At this point, we decide on basic design principles.

Three smartphone screens with social media posts on various networks, from the magazine thumbs up, surrounded by the stars of Europe and circles of barbed wire
Video clip of Sea-Watch spokesperson Mattea Weihe against a dark blue background, next to white text with a bullet-point list of demands: No EU support for the Libyan coast guard! Safe escape routes to Europe at last! EU-financed, comprehensive sea rescue!
Illustrated boats in bird's eye view. Two boats with refugees stand opposite the Libyan coast guard


Finally, we set everything in motion. The visuals are animated, the video gets its very own dynamic. The familiar Sea-Watch speaker Mattea Weihe provides the recognition value. The combination of real images and motion graphics achieves the right emotional framing and the slight background's sound of the sea adds even more dynamism. But listen and see!

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