
Our products are already ready and tested, just waiting for us to customize them to your needs. Do you need a tool for meaningful campaigning? Or a product that promotes diversity in your company? Let's go!

A campaign website for companies with attitude! The IMPACT-O-MAT provides the ideal basis for your campaign. The highlight: the design can be fully adapted to your corporate design through white labeling. One product, individualized for your brand and available in three use cases.


IMPACT-O-MAT: Application examples mobile and on the road

Together with the HTW Berlin, we wanted to bring more diversity into the museum landscape and developed the Diversity Training, a calendar that educates and raises awareness about DE&I. How about it, does your industry also urgently need more diversity and a calendar that takes you by the hand week after week?

Diversity Training

Diversity calendar: annual calendar that ensures greater awareness of diversity in the museum landscape

It all started with socks for Christmas. The only socks that anyone is really happy about. And that's why we kept going. With even more socks and eventually developed more merchandise. Because we love our designs so much that we always want to have them around. Do you need advice on your next customer Christmas gift? Or just want a little warmth for your home?


Merchandise: The heartiest card game and a magazine that makes you want to see tomorrow.
Do you still have unanswered questions for us or want to work with us?
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