The product we designed is a weekly calendar that deals with diversity in a museum environment. We started with friendly, light colors that are easy to combine due to their contrast. However, to draw attention to the relevance of this topic, red plays a special role in our product as a signal color.
The same approach that runs through the colors can also be found in the shapes. We have developed a modular system of harmonious and easily combinable shapes that enable a wide variety of creations in a simple and playful way. This approach helps us to make the topic interesting for the general audience and to ensure a very accessible entry point for everyone. In general, we have intentionally chosen design elements that do not represent specific characteristics in order to ensure diversity and give the viewer's imagination full rein.
Our calendar offers definitions, instructions, thought experiments, voices and examples on this topic. QR codes enable detailed information and personal research. The calendar promotes understanding for different perspectives, encourages self-reflection and collaboration. Although not everything about diversity can be learned after 52 weeks, the calendar is intended to provide an introduction and impart critical knowledge on this topic.
We have aroused your interest and you would also like to receive your own "Diversity Training" calendar? Then just write us and we will be happy to send one to you.