Image & Recruiting Campaign for the FH Erfurt

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FH Erfurt

Erfurt University of Applied Sciences offers a diverse range of courses and combines practice-oriented skills with academic depth. In its mission statement, the university describes its aim as contributing to social transformation towards a positive future. This qualifies it as an ideal BAM customer: "Bock auf Morgen" meets education - we are already convinced!

The Katholikentage 2024 in Erfurt marks the start of the two-year image campaign. To be continued ...

  • Campaign
  • Workshops
  • Social Media
  • 2D & 3D Animations
  • Communication Strategy, Marketing
  • AI & Image Generation
  • Educational films


The biggest challenge was to develop a campaign that would set the UAS Erfurt apart from other universities in the region. Sounds doable. But the uniqueness lies in the combination of future transformation and subject diversity. We combined these elements in a workshop together with the UAS Erfurt and expressed them in a unique campaign.

A bus display board showing the campaign motif with the purple picture. The campaign claim is: Focus on the future today. The call to action is: Find your degree course now at
Campaign signet in orange on the FHE dark blue. The signet consists of the QR code that leads to the Future Finder, framed by a focus dot element.
Interplay of colors and shapes in combination with different characters of the campaign

Key idea

Future utopias form the creative umbrella of our campaign. We literally bring the future into focus and show AI-generated characters doing the jobs of tomorrow. The message: by studying at the UAS Erfurt, you too can become a future designer. The combination of bold contrasting colors and the clear, down-to-earth blue of the university creates a visual connection to the university and at the same time sets the campaign apart. The focal point element acts as a container for content, creates variance in the design and runs through all measures, from the landing page with course finder to Instagram and out-of-home (OOH) measures.

On a table is a tablet on which the homepage of the Future Finder can be seen. Next to it are two stacks of stickers in red and purple that draw attention to the Future Finder.
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A billboard on a platform, with a train on the track in the background. The main motif can be seen on the poster. The red-haired woman with an orange background in a geometric shape on a dark blue background. Above it is the headline of the first campaign phase. Focusing on the future today.
A portrait format poster hanging inside a bus stop. The motif consists of a young man with light blue hair in a red circle on a dark blue background. The campaign headline can be read again in the foreground.
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