Recruiting Campaign for Berlin-Neukölln's Tourism Industry

Various campaign materials, posters, stickers, coasters and digital formats


Bezirksamt Neukölln

The Neukölln Economic Development Agency functions as a central point of contact for (trade)companies, investors and start-ups in Neukölln. As one of the city's most important business locations, the district is home to numerous tourism businesses. The industry has suffered considerable loss due to the coronavirus pandemic, which are now particularly noticeable due to a lack of qualified employees. At the same time, many young people in Neukölln are looking for apprentice positions or career opportunities to identify strongly with their neighborhood.

  • Campaign
  • Workshops
  • Social Media
  • 2D & 3D Animations
  • Communication Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Photography
  • Educational Films


At this starting point, we saw a lot of potential : Every application for a job or apprentice position in Neukölln means personal progress as well as the possibility for Neukölln to grow. Especially in the tourism industry, everyone can contribute shaping a positive image of Neukölln.

Neukölln has potential, Neukölln offers opportunities, Neukölln is full of possibilities. Make something out of it!

signet of the campaign in black and white on a red background, with hands held up for a high-five, framed by the text
Key visual of the campaign is made of a collage, with a person in the center surrounded by career-specific elements

Idea & Keyvisuals

We wanted to create a campaign which is concrete and down-to-earth, while at the same time highlighting the potential of the business location. We developed a concise signet that reflects the essence of the campaign: The open hands symbolize "hands-on" - getting the people's motivation to help shape their district. The key visual design is based on the human and reality of Neukölln. Various elements come together presenting jobs in the tourism industry from a new perspective.

Thanks to the cooperation with companies in Neukölln, we were able to capture the various professions at original locations with their real employees.

The multilingualism of the posters aims to address a wide target group in this multicultural district. Our CTA leads directly to the website with detailed information on the various professions in this sector.

Poster wall with various collage motifs of the apprenticeship professions
Trilingual campaign poster
18/1 Poster motif with collage elements emerging from the heads of the people pictured, the caption asks


In order to address our target group directly, we have designed beer mats and stickers as giveaways. Catering businesses and other industry locations can use them to draw attention directly to the campaign.

Sticker of the campaign logo in red, sticking on a laptop
Red round beer coasters printed with the campaign logo, QR code and the text:


An important part of the campaign's storytelling takes place on Instagram: We cooperate with well-known personalities from Neukölln who ensure acceptance within the target group. For the first launch, we were able to recruit national team player Antonio Rüdiger, Olympic runner Lisa Marie Kwayie and up-and-coming actor Rico Levy Arcos. Their credibility and reach will help spread the campaign's message.

Video Poster play icon pause icon
Animation of the campaign shown in the
Various stills from the created social media reels, with prominent personalities from Berlin Neukölln


The digital port of the campaign is the website integrated into Interested parties can obtain extensive information about the various job profiles, find partner companies and be forwarded directly to the relevant vacancies advertised by the employment agency.

Website and social media post to inform about the campaign
digitale Sticker der Kampagne
View the project live